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an inventory of publications in writing studies, including post-secondary composition, rhetoric, technical writing, ESL, and discourse analysis

Journals Covered

CompPile currently indexes 306 journals (July 2008).  You can view them in two ways:


CompPile  Associates are responsible for journals in one or more of the 19 "scholarly areas," ideally areas aligned with the Associate's interests and expertise. As you'll see, not all areas have Associates.  If you are interested in this role, see the further explanation and consider contacting us.


Volunteers who wish to adopt one or more journals can locate the journal(s) using one of the sorting methods above.  Each list of journals provides easy-to-follow instructions for volunteering.  You can also learn about other opportunities for volunteering @ CompPile, read the online Guide for Volunteers, or download the PDF version of the Volunteer Guide.

Rich Haswell (bibliography 1939-1999)
Glenn Blalock (bibliography 2000-current & site)
Copyright © 2004-
Rich Haswell & Glenn Blalock