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CCCC 1997: Outcomes Forum (Session L.17)

Session Results: Betty Shiffman (for herself and Mark Wiley)

* Students need to have an understanding of the power of language, its use as a tool

* Students ought be "rhetorically aware" --that is, recognize the contextuality of language, the need to adapt for situation, audience, purpose,

* Students should be able to use a wide range of sources to conduct inquiry, gathering and synthesizing information, and be able to share the results in written form

* Students should be aware of the process of writing, accepting that it may take multiple drafts to find a successful text

* Students should experience the collaborative and social nature of writing

* Students should be able to critique their own and others' work

* Students should be able to carry out a sustained critical analysis (this last one sort of trails away with another note about "thesis" and came just as time was being called)

I see a remarkable amount of agreement among our groups. We may word things slightly differently, but we are pointing in the same general areas. Writing based on rhetorical theory seems to be primary. Likewise with collaboration and negotiating of language. And carrying out investigations. While this doesn't surprise me, I think it can be an important platform for people in those institutions that seem to think we exist just to make sure students can complete a paper free of spelling, usage, grammar, and punctuation errors.

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Last updated February 14, 2010