The TAAS experience was dreadful, year after year, preparing for a ridiculous government test. It had all started in 1991 the first TAAS test was to be taken, and that year was the beginning of pointless acts of studying. Every year up to 1999 or my sophomore year in high school I was required to take the TAAS test. During high school all of the teachers taught and prepared the students for the exact material on the test. Thus, not a single student began to learn until the beginning of their junior year in high school. During the times of studying I felt a scents of dread and shear stupidity for taking the prep test that supposable prepared me for the tests. Not only were students given special needs, but they were also given hours and hours to spend on the test. I never understood if you studied for a whole year to take the test then why wouldnt the test makers give an allotted amount of time. My results were good, I was distinguished and above average, and I guess I was finally smart enough to proceed another grade, but I guess they couldnt determine that a long time ago.
The TAAS experience was horrible. I think this is why I may be reluctant to writing. In all my years in school it was always about the TAAS. I can honestly say, almost everyday we practiced for this big test. To me it was not a big deal. The thing I hated most about practicing for the TAAS was that we would have to write in the fiveparagraph form all the time. The teachers would always want us to write with this technique even if it was not for the TAAS. I felt like this form of writing did not or would not please the readers. It was too, I dont know, formal I guess. It just did not fit into my liking. I would rather just write what I think in however format it may fit into. Some people may think different but I think the teachers were teaching us the wrong way. I do not see how people can enjoy reading five-paragraph essays and be into it. I would just get bored. Then again I do not like to read so maybe Im not a good example, but you know what I mean. I want to read something that looks interesting and different. If someone gave me a five-paragraph essay I would definitely give it back and not take time to read it. In conclusion, I did not think this was a good educational experience for me. I did not like it and I still dont.
The TAAS experience was not good for me. My teachers crammed a ton of information down my throat a few weeks before the TAAS test. I think my elementry teachers prepared me better for the TAAS test than my highschool teachers did. In elementry we practiced the skills and how teachers commented on how we did, but in highschool they just told you a whole bunch of stuff. They (highschool teaachers) did not go back to see if understood or learned any of it. I received a 3 on my exit level exam, but believe it was not better because my writing had not developed since elementry. I believe had my high school and junior high teachers exposed us to writing more and commented on our writing I would have learned. I believe because of how they approached the test I suffered from test anxiety. They crammed us with information and made us practice on several essay prompts just before the TAAS test. They stressed us out with all this new information and didnt give us time to reflect. Writing is a slow learning process, and they shoved all these grammar rules at us. They expected us to vomit all the material up on the test. The real college bound students care if they learned, not how they made their highschool look. Did our highschool teach us anything? TAAS did not help me.
The TAAS experience was not something that I feel had aided my devolopement as a student. In class, we went over TAAS taking skills instead of learning more import and useful knowledge. Even though I did not tatke the tests that seriously, the results were always good. They taught us the format and what we should look for in taking the tests to better our grades and with those skills, you really did not need to know all of the material covered, as long as you know the format for the tests. I felt it was pretty much a waste of time, but then again, Ive never felt that tests were a good source of showing what youve learned or your intelligence.
The TAAS experience was okay for me. In my English class in high school we would take time throughout the whole year to prepare for the test. I have had to take the TAAS test just about every year since second grade, except for my freshman and senior year. When I go my scores back, I wasnt completely satisfied with my grades, even though they were good, I thought that I could of done better. I think that schools try to beat all the information about the TAAS and what is expected from you on the test that you get so stressed out and you start to not do really well on all your other work. Your schoolwork suffers because of it. I think that it is okay to have the TAAS test, they just shouldnt make it so stressful.
The TAAS experience was okay for me. We took the TAAS test the second semester of my sophomore year so all through the first semester everyone prepared for it. In my english class we always did practice tests and learned how to eliminate certain answers so we could have a better chance of getting the correct one. With all the hype everyone made about this test it made me nervous. All my counselors told me how big this test was and that you have to good if you want to get into a good college. This made me even more nervous. The morning that all the sophomores gathered in the cafeteria for the test seemed like the longest morning of my entire life. All the stupid little bubbles that I had to fill in made my hand hurt and the fact that it was timed made me fill in the bubbles faster which made my hand hurt even more. When I got my results I was very thrilled. I missed no math and the overall grade made me be exempt from the TASP test. When my counselor told me my score, at first she made me think I did badly, but then I realized she was so happy that I had done so well. She told me the next thing I needed to worry about was the SAT test. I had a year or so before that one so I just put it off. The one thing I regret from preparing for the TAAS is the way they told us to write. They told us to write in five-paragraph form. We had to have an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a closing paragraph. The teachers in high school told us to use this form all the time, but when I came to college it was different. Recently I have found out that the five-paragraph form is not what the teachers want. I heard one professor say that if his students wrote a paper using this form he would automatically give them an F.
I think that taking the TAAS test better prepared me for other tests like the SAT, other college entry tests, and end-of-course AP exams. However, I do think that they didnt have to put so much strain on how important this test is. If you fail it you can always re-take it.
The taas experience was such a waste of time. I feel that the taas classes didnt teach anything. I had to be in a taas class for a whole year which to me was just absurd. can you imagine sitting in a class learning about the same information time and time again? I do understand having to maybe take the course for like 2 to 3 weeks, but not a whole entire year. I could have been taking a course that was really useful to me and preparing me to get used to college. I dont feel it should be a requirment to take the course for a whole year. I do feel the course was helpful but only about two weeks. The rest of the year was review and you get tired of doing the same thing over and over again. Students would get so fustrated and not pay attention anymore. They would just listen while the information would go in one ear and out the other. On the other hand other students would be there acting like they are paying attention but really asleep in the class. I do feel this should be a requerment by the state, but not a year of learning about it. It is a good experience and it was only a couple of hours so what harm is it doing. I dont think we should hold people back from it though because some people are not test takers. There should be some other way of finding out whether people know the information or not. There have been some people that I know that have not been able to graduate because of the taas test and they never missed a day of school and they were A and B honor students. So I feel doing the taas test does not hold whether or not you are learning in school.
The TAAS experience was very stressful for me. In my English class we did a lot of essays. Everyday we had to write about some topic. The reason I say that it was stressful is because my English teacher made such a big deal about passing it. I know that the test was important but I think that everyone just went to far with it. I am so glad that the test is over and that I never had to take it again. I really dont think that the test was beneficial at all. I feel that it just put more worry on the students.
The TAAS experience went very well for me as a student. I have never struggled with TAAS test throughout school. I received academic regonition in the English section as well as others. We prepared for the TAAS test in class by writing prompt and working with vocabulary. I never prepared for one TAAS test outside of school because I never felt it necessary. My mom was a TAAS coordinator as a 4th grade teacher, so I grew up learning how to do well in English. I think it was an over all good experience because it helped students learn how to take tests. Its a smaller version of the SAT and ACT.
The TAAS experience wasnt an actual experience, due to the fact that we did just take a test? TAAS took up about 80% of my academic career. Everyone became sick of it after a while. It seemed like my teachers became obsessed with its teachings.
I felt like the exam did cover what we shouldve known. I found the test quite simple actually, but it doesnt help you in the future. In no way did it prepare me for college. The test consisted of simple facts, it did not require any thinking.
Overall, the experience of TAAS was okay, but it wasnt memorable.
The TAAS expierence was a normal thing for me. I took that test every year from 6th grade up. I went to [X] and they would keep changing the year that had to do it and my class got stuck with it every year. Even though it was a normal thing I was always struggling on the basic of grammer. So as we did endless exams I tried to learn these grammer rules. I was never happy when the time came to start studing for TAAS because it was just redunt work that I just never got. They didnt have to give some much work just explain alot better about everything. When the final test score came back in my sophomore I aced the magority of the test but still today I have alot of trouble in grammer. TAAS is only the basics and as long as you got that the teachers went on. Instead of learning in detail about things
The TAAS for me was okay then but now as I take the SAT, ACT, and TASP it was no big deal. Well in school that is all we did everything was for the TAAS, there was even a TAAS class Over all it was a good educational experience.
The TAAS in my point of view was just a waste of time. Because teachers were spending so much time trying to prepare you for one test when they should have been trying to prepare you for college. The test wasnt even that hard, maybe because we went over it so much or because we were to intelligent for it, but basically all that time spent writing should have been taught in middle school and not in high school. Now in a few years they are going to put in place a new test that is harder and longer, that is just more wasted time in the classroom for students. So the younger students being taught the basics of there grade level are instead being taught how to write a five paragraph paper that they are only going to use until they graduate from high school.
The TAAS is a great educational experience, but I did not prepare for this test on my own time. During class time teachers would use examples or refer to problems or ideas that would appear on the test. The TAAS was pretty much a review of everything you were supposed to have learned. Otherwise some problems were new and maybe frustrating. What I mean by frustrating would attend the knowledge of previous learned material but not explained in depth. Material on the TAAS consits of different combination of skills. I think the combination is a well developed way to provide critical thoughts and ideas to solving or answering the problems. I have learned that the TAAS provided myself with an experience of collaborated material. Even if some of the material was not taught, there was still some way to relate it by critical thinking. The TAAS was good experience, but I did not do so well because I do not take test very well. But still not making the best of score I understood the concepts of the TAAS testing.
The TAAS preparation courses werent a learning experience for me at all. It seemed like teachers just reviewed over questions that would appear on the test. I did not learn much of anything through the courses and class studies for TAAS. I feel that for the teachers trying to prepare us for the class, they forgot that they were supposed to teach us class lessons as well. Instead of teaching us the Algebra or Geometry or English lessons, they were just going over questions that would appear on the test. I feel I missed out on important information that I would find useful right now.
The TAAS test for me was spending good class time being taught things that I already knew. We did the Daily Oral Language everyday, when they should have been teaching us how to write good papers. From what I remember we didnt do that many writing exercises, except for the actual papers we had to write. I seriously feel that this test is not to see how well the student is learning things, but that it is to see how well the teacher is teaching. It is more like a test for the teachers taken by the students. Taking the TAAS was not to bad, I felt it was a pretty easy test most of the time. After I took the test I waited for the results, and when I got them I had done great. I was exempt from the TASP and I was really happy about the outcome. Although I did well, I do believe that the people in charge of this test need to develop a way that will keep the students from feeling like they are being tested for the teacher. That is how everybody I have talked to feels about it. Although I think it is a big waste of time, the TAAS, I dont think the expirience was horrible or anything. I imagine some people might need the DOL everyday to help them, but I didnt and I feel that this is why I think it was a waste of time. Any teacher english or whatever, they spent more class time preparing us for this test when they should have been teaching us new things. Every year it was the same preparation it never changed. I do however believe that the initial intent of the test is a good one, but I think that over time it has become, once again, a test to see what the teachers are doing, and it seems to me when the teachers are preparing you for this that they are really trying to save themselves, not really prepare the students.
The TAAS test has always been a big joke for me, because I have taken it every year since I was in the third grade. When I was in third grade I had to take the TAAS test and from then on because the state would keep changing what grade had to take the TAAS test. The school system itself is a joke, they dont teach, all schools do is teach the TAAS test and how to pass it. So in theory kids do not actually learn anything except how to take a test. I feel that the TAAS test is a waste of time and that teachers need to teach the things that are really important, not how to pass a test.
The TAAS test was pretty easy to me. We were required to take prep courses for the exams and take practice tests. I thought that they were useless until I actually took the test. We would go to different classes, get in groups, and practice vocabulary and things such as that. We would also base our lessons in class on the test until it is over.
On the days of the test, we would go to our assigned rooms and wait to take the tests. I seemed like it took forever because of all of the reading, but I got through it. After the tests, I would look forward to the results. I always passed my TAAS tests. They were never a problem for me.
It was a good educational experience for me because it got me ready for other tests. Having to study and be on time were two of the other things it taught me. I was always on time for school, but when it was test day, I was early.
The TAAS test in my opinion was pretty easy. Every body ranging from below average on up passed it. In my own words I think it is a joke. It doesnt show any evidence of leaning in high school.
The TAAS test in my school was a big thing. The school wanted its students to do well so that the school looked good. The teachers in my sophomore year really stressed TAAS practices. After all of the preparation my TAAS experience was a breeze. We were taught how to cheat the TAAS, and how traditionally the TAAS was graded. It really was over emphasized, and in a way took away from other education I could have been learning. Basically, high schools push the TAAS because it makes them look good. It really is a statewide test that schools use as bragging rights.