I enjoyed the TAAS experience. The test was definitely overhyped but I
guess the hyping was not directed at me the A and B student. The stressing of the
importance of the test was directed at those students who did not make good
grades. So anyways these dumb kids were keeping the school from pulling in more
tax dollars from the state. Teachers pounded the importance of the test into
students heads and even asked the NHS members to tutor classes taking the TAAS.
So I walk into the classroom to take my test and waiting for me was a ham and
cheese croissant. I still do not know whether or not the cheese was real or the
ham for that matter. The apple included in my meal was a little soft and I
think there was some sort of grub or worm in it. But I ate my brunch anyways
and washed it down with rancid milk and fermented OJ. Now I was ready to take
my test only I realized I forgot to study. A teacher walking by assured me that
it was okay if I did not study. So I take the test and found it basically easy.
Afterwards I did not feel so well and I spent some time in the restroom. I must
say that my teachers thoroughly prepared for the test and I aced it.
I feel as though the TAAS test is a waste of time. There are so many
tests you have to pass to just get into college. I personally have test
anxiety. I can ace any test given in class and makes "A"s in a class;
however when it comes to standardized tests I do horrible. I do not think
people should be judged on their intelligence from a test taken in a limited
amount of time. Also it seems as though schools are teaching students to just
pass the tests rather than really learn the fundamentals of things.
I feel that in the beginnig the TAAS test had a purpose to let the
state know how the schools were doning now the school system revolves around
the test. School know that they look better if their student do well on the
test and spend all of their time teaching for the TAAS leaving out other
important issues not addressed by the test. Personally I was well prepared for
the TAAS because my school made a big deal about it but I was not taught other
important things such as other types of writing so when to TAAS test change its
writing criteria I was lost. I understand that schools should teach the same
but it really does no good if it is low quality. The TAAS should be
discontinued because it is causing more problems now than it is solving.
I feel that it was indeed a good educational experience for me. We
concentated and worked hard in class to prepare for the TAAS. So when the test
time came around I passed it with flying colors. It was a good ego booster. It
proved to me and to my faculty what I did actually learn that year. So my
experience with the TAAS test was a good one.
I feel that students should not have to take tests like the TAAS SAT
ACT etc . . . These tests put students
under a lot of unwanted stress. These tests are worth so much they determine
whether or not we graduate high school which university we get into. The tests
would not be so stressful if they did not determine our future's.
I feel that the TAAS Test should still remain. I felt that it helped
me out alot and it sort of checked where you should be and what more education
you still need. I thought of it as an overview of what a student had learned
and because of studing for the TAAS I know alot more and its drilled into my brain
like the times table. I feel it is essential and I would not change it. Its
good for progression in each student.
I feel that the TAAS test was a complete waste of time. Teachers spent
so much time trying to prepare us for the TAAS test nothing else was taught.
anything we went over that didnt involve the TAAS was skimmed over. we never
went in to depth on novels in english. now I am in college and I feel like an
idiot because I didnt even cover half of what I should know by the time I
graduated. they teach to the test. I think standardized testing is ridiculous.
the idea that everyone will be on the same exact level at the same time is
impossible!! people have different learning methods. some people are visual
learners while others are auditory learners. this test is also timed. being
timed does not allow the students to think creatively or critically. these
tests are also in english which puts some students at a disadvantage from the start.
for some people english is a second language. if you do not pass the TAAS test
it can keep you from graduating. I do not feel that this test should be the dec
iding factor in such an important part of your life. some people are just not
good test takers. some are straight A students and then when it comes to taking
a test they bomb it. it may not necessarily mean that they do not know the
material it can mean that they just tense up get nervous and forget. I think
that standardized testing should be done away with. something else should be
created. like some sort of test is personalized for each student. maybe using a
computer to find out how each student learns or something along those lines.
I felt like the TAAS test was busy work from the state of Texas and a
way for the state to judge the learning of students. Learning is a two way
process a teacher can be the best teacher in the world yet when they have
studnets that do not wish to learn the teacher then cannot help.
I felt that the english part of the TAAS test was fairly easy. I also
feel that the TAAS test is a waste of time becasue in no way does it prepare
one for college like the ACT test. In all it was a good test when we were
younger but I think it should not be a requirement for highschool students
unless it gets harder.
I felt that the TAAS test was not worth all the effort that our
teachers put into it. The amount of time we spent preparing for TAAS really
took away from the other important things when I took it and when the under
classmen took it. The upper classmen were out of school while the under
classmen took the test and that means less class time for us. Even though it
was nice to sleep in it's a problem when taking some of the hardest classes
available. When I took the TAAS I finished it early and really question Texas
schools because it was so easy to me. I passed everything too easily and with
very high scores. I even fell asleep in the middle of the test. I don't think
it's a very good requirement to graduate. It doesn't show much if you pass it
just that you can read and bubble in a circle. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if
it was at a high school level in high school.