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I do not feel that the TAAS test was extremely helpful in the educational area. The time we spent in class preparing for the test did not seem beneficial. The only reason we were doing it was because it was mandatory. We did little exercises such as word analysis and vocabulary that helped a little but over all I do not think it made a huge difference. In my class the reviews were a waste of time. When I actually took the test it seemed pretty easy. The downside was the length. It is hard to concentrate for that long on what seemed like pointless information. I felt as though the test was dragging on forever. When a test seems pointless from the beginning it is hard to care about. I guess the test can be beneficial for some but it was mostly over basics. The only positive side I can see for having this test would be to make sure that everyone at least knows their basics before they graduate. As for it being educational and beneficial it is nothing compared to the SAT or ACT or exams you have in your other classes.





I don't have many feelings about the TAAS Test because I just moved to Texas and I was told I had to take a test and it would be easy. I didn't study for TAAS I just woke up and took it. I did very well on the reading and math. I thought the test was no big deal until people told me I needed to do good enough to graduate. I think that the test was a good thing becauese it let me know where I stand compared to other Texas students.


I prepared only for the SAT the other tests I didn't take except for a two year achievement test. I thought that the achievement tests were pointless and a waist of my time. I felt I knew too much and that I was too good to take such a pathetic test.





I don't know the point of the standardized test they really have no point except to keep you from moveing along with the other classmates. All we were taught was to pass the test and nothing more it didn't seem like the class was doing any thing. No it was not a good educational experience I had no fun in learning and it did nothing but remind me.





I don't like standardized test because some people do not test well. In relation to the TAAS I think that it was a waste of time b/c at the public that I went to during my sophmore year the teachers all taught thet test so that our school would hav high scores and would recieve more recognition. I think that because of teachers teaching the test I lost a year or more that I should have been learing other subjects not what would be covered on the TAAS test. I think that the TAAS test was very very easy in comparison to other standirized test such as the TASP or the ACT or SAT. When I went into taking the SAT for the first time I thought it would be very much like the TAAS test and was shocked by how hard it actually was. However I was able to take clases on how to prepare for the SAT and I never lost any class time preparing those classes should be optional for the people who want to do better or need help in taking it other wise somepeople do not take it seriously and waste other peoples time. I think I had bad expierences with the TAAS because I have been taking it since the fourth grade I remeber them making us put some stupid thing with foil together and trying to make it float of part of the test which is just stupid and have a test that is known to be that serious kind of creates uneeded stress on young kids.





I don't really like the TAAS testing because it seems that it is all that we learned in highschool but there is no other way to test the students. Though I don't like the testing I think it is the best possible method we have so far. There is no way of testing someones ability without having a sets of guidlines to follow. I feel that the problem is money not being evenly spread throughout the schools not the questions asked in the test. Everyone can learn at the same write if they are all given the same opportunity





I don't really remember much about the TAAS because it was like a joke to me. I spent so much time in school practicing for it then when it came time for me to take it I was like ok where is the real test. The TAAS test was so simple I think I could've never practiced for it and then passed. The thing I did not like is that we spent so much time practicing for it that we didn't get to learn during that time. When I went from elementary to middle school I was not ready and I had the hardest time. I think If we had spent a little more time learning and a little less time memorizing for standardized tests I could've been more ready. In high school I think it was even more of a joke in earlier years it was at least a little challenging. I think I could've taken the sophmore level TAAS in 7th grade. I think that the public education system put way too much emphasis on standardized tests. Whave all these people who barely slid through high school and didn't learn a thing but hey they passed the TAAS!





I don't really remember taking my TAAS test but usually I find any standardized tests fairly easy but way too long!





I don't really remember taking the TAAS test but I never really studied for any of the standardized tests. I would just go in and take them and they would be fairly easy. I think that I got a 3 on my paper and did good on the other English part. My teachers were very good about preparing us for the tests.





i dont think I took it and if I did it was not significant enough to remember.





I droped out of highschool my freshman year. I took my GED (Good Enough Deploma) the same year it was easy. Then I took my SAT it wasent all that hard. Then I took the TASS and it was a bitch. I had to take it 3 times to pass it well enough to not have to take remedial class only to get to TAMUCC and be issued yet ANOTHER math test with no warning and am now having to take a remedial class anyway.