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The TAAS test was an easy test. The only thing that I had a problem with was the English part. The reading part and then answering the questions was kind of hard for me because I really do not do well with things like that. The math part of the test was pretty easy because it is one of my strongest subjects. Overall I did pretty well on my TAAS test. It really depends on what you know and what you have been taught by your teachers. My teachers taught me pretty well and went over alot to help me on my TAAS test. I think that is why I did fairly well.





The TAAS test was an experience. It was an exam that culminated what I learned and didn't in high school. In our English classes we wrote various papers over various topics to practice for one prompt. I felt alot of pressure towards this exam because of all the preparations that I went through to succeed or try to succeed. I must have gone through hundreds of punctuation exercises capitalization errors correct sentence structure exercises that did nothing but bore the living hell out of me. Sure it assisted my writing skills and definitely transformed me into a more competent writer but it also took the fun out of writing. I understand practice makes perfect; so who practices for 10 years for one test. I just thought that if we needed to practice for such an important test we should've had a class for it rather than taking a few weeks out of the semester to take a mock test. No one wants to take a mock test. The more mock tests I took the more I detested the day of the official exam. But it was definitely an experience.





The TAAS test was just for me anyways a big burden for me to worry about and to get streesed out over. they said it was the hardest test in texas but it was a peice of cake I mastered all objectives and just overall kicked ass. Now if it was a good educational experience for me that I have to say no. b/c it was like pulling teeth all throughout my middle school years and in highschool. Also teachers just taught us to pass not to really learn.





The TAAS test was made a bigger deal than it really is. In high school all the courses revolved around the TAAS. We did practice test after practice test and reviewed the material a thousand times until it was the only thing we could think of. We also thought that if we failed the test we would not graduate and work at McDonalds for the rest of are lives. They neglected to mention that we could retake the test if we failed. When it was time to take the test it was extremely easy.





The TAAS test was made out by the teachers of high school as this big thing that determines the rest of your life. As we can tell it is not it is important for the students to do well on it but it will not ruin your life if you don't do well. I think the only reasons why high schools even care about the test or the reason they make such an important matter of it is because the state gives the school money based off of how well the students do on an average. So the better we do the more money they get to waste away on something. So they have good reason to make a big deal about it. I quess I could say it was a good overall experience for me but it didn't have to be such a big deal where they close the school doors and put ten teachers in every hall by the classrooms and the superintindent comes around and says good luck to every indiviudual student. It can't be that important.





The TAAS test was not as necessary as everyone made it out to be. Preparing for the TAAS was monotonous it was all the same thing over and over again. All the test is is learning the same thing just plain memorization for years what about everything else we need to learn. There is always so much more out there. Yeah sure you learned things but what good are they after you take the test? It would be so much easier if the outcome of the test didnt determine so much of your future.





The TAAS test was not really beneficial to me. It was really easy and a great way to get out of taking the TASP test but other than that it did not help





The TAAS test was really easy for me. It was basically covering everything that I had learn in elementary school. I personally thought that it was a waste of my time. For weeks during school we did nothing except do practices to prepare for the test. I think it was a waste of time because we could have been learning new stuff instead of just going over stuff that everybody already knew. I did however make a good score on it which made me excempt from taking the TASP test. Overralll the only part of the TAAS test that I did enjoy was when I wasn't taking it. All of the freshmen juniors and seniors got half of the day off. So when we heard TAAS if pretty much just meant that we were all goning to be able to go to the beach. So the time off from class was cool.





The TAAS test was something everyone in elementry and in high shcool had to take. The teachers would always pressure us how important it was to pass this test in order to graduate from high school. We were given practices to prepare for this test all year. At the end this test to me seemed like they just wanted to make sure that we knew the material before we went to college.





The TAAS test was something that I took because I was told that it was mandetory to take to get into college. I dindn't really study for the TAAS test like I did for the SAT or ACT I didn't think that it was that necessary because the test has a lot of questions that are common sense. When I took the TAAS test I brought a calculater that was not appropriate for taking the test so I had to give it to the instructor. I did the whole math section without a calculater which made me do all the math problems in my head. So when I got the test results in I ended up failing the math part and passing all of the other sections. Since I failed the math section I was told that I either could retake that part of the test or I would have to take a math course in college to make up for it. I decided to take the math section over but this time a brought the right type of calculater. When I got my score in the mail I had passed the math section. I was relieved that I could drop the college math and take a different class that I wanted to.