sucked. For the past 12 years of my life I had to take this test or some sort of
test just like it and not learn anything from it. I think it is just a waste of
time and money. Instead of learning what you need to know to help you pass to
the next grade level and learn things that way you could succeed in life there
we were studying for a ridiculous test just to make our schools look good if we
got a high rating and the school district recieve more money and of course the
schools most likely would never see it. It was just to much pressure trying to
learn your everyday schoolwork and then trying to prepare for a test that you
do not benefit from. And now I hear that there is a new test called TEKS Or
TAKS test that the students are having to take now. I seriously think that it
is getting really ridiculous. These students are going to develop stress at a
young age.
The TAAS test
as with most things has its good and bad sides. For students who pursue a
higher education of any sort it is a waste of time mainly because of the ease
of the test. However for the students who do not pursue any higher education it
is a good test of the minimal skills that everyone should have some
comprehension of. On the English section of the test I missed one or two
questions and received the highest possible score for the essay. I went on to take
the SAT which tested basically tested the same skills but at a higher
difficulty. Where as the TAAS tests basic understanding of these skills the SAT
tests the degree of mastery of the same skills. The TAAS is a good test of how
well Texas schools teach the basics. I believe that as with the TASP test
students should be able to earn exemption from the test with either a certain
high GPA or a certain grade on the SAT or ACT tests.
The TAAS test
at my school was not a very big deal. We were occaisionally required to read
TAAS-like essays and work multiple choice sheets but not often. The teachers
cared about how many students passed but they didn't press the issue as much as
at some other schools.
The TAAS test
experience for me was great. You don't really have to study for the TAAS test.
It is the easiest test you will ever take. I don't even know why we have to
take this test. We never did anything in class to prepare for the TAAS test and
we did not take about the results in class or anything at all. You either pass
it or you don't that was all I learned about the TAAS test. Not much to this
pointless test that we used to have to take every year of high school.
the TAAS test
for me was a very good experience from a test taking standpoint I mean. I did
well on the TAAS test each time it was administered and I felt really good
about the test each time I took it. one thing about the test though: I felt it
was the most insignifigant test that I was ever forced to take. I mean this
test took so much valuable time away from our regular class. I think for the
most part, this test is the reason for the basic lack of writing skills in most
high school students in texas going into college. teaching to the test is
something that teachers have started doing in schools and I think its so bogus.
everywhere you turn there are signs posted throughout the school: “ace the
TAAS", blah, blah, blah. it was such an ingrained feeling throughout the
teahing staff. I think for the most part, this test was the measure of
effectiveness of the schools administration. what a direction for our education
system . . . teaching to the test so that the school looks good, and the
princiPAL gets all the credit.
The TAAS test
for me was really easy I was in AP so we really didn't even take any steps to
prepare for it since it was so easy.
The TAAS test
has its merits and its follies. The test itself is a good idea in theory it forces
students to have a minimum set of skills and abilities. The problem with it is
that the level that the exit level test is only at a 5th grade level. The test
doesn't require you to think. The writing section on TAAS is a waste of time
they worry so much about a first draft and the grammar they forget the ideas
are what is important. A spelling error or a grammar mistake like missing a
comma is not the end of the world. This is especially true because they don't
give you a chance for revisions. When I write I prefer to write the first time
for myself and after my corrections someone else can read and edit it and then
I finalize it. The TAAS writing test is only a slightly revised rough draft.
The TAAS test
huh. This might as well have been the easiest standerdized test I had ever
taken. I scored highly. Maybe its because I took it as a senior or its because
I had expected it to be as hard as the ACT or the SAT. It was not as difficult
as the other tests. The time was lengthy and we did the test in three different
days that was easy. On the other hand the ACT and SAT were hard as hell. They
congested about 40 questions in 25 minutes. One word that describe them STRESS.
I dont know why they determine where to place you by the exams but it is wrong.
A test that has been formated to be as difficult as it gets does not place you
anywhere. Truh is you could guess and get a high score.
The TAAS test
I feel is something we prepared for over a long period of time. At the
beginning of the year that we took it (sophmore year) my english teacher gave
us a lot of worksheets on things such as sentence structure. I think that all
the time we spent on TAAS exercises was a waste of time because it was material
that we progressively learned throughout our entire education. I never felt
stressed or anything like that when I knew the test date was getting closer.
Waiting for the results was not stressful either when the results came I looked
at it and then put it away. Although I knew it needed to be passed in order to
graduate I did not feel that it was that serious because it was so easy. I do
not think of the TAAS as a good eductational experience but as something every
student has to pass in order to graduate.
The TAAS test
in high school was not a big thing at my school. They did as much as they could
to help us prepare but like all students we really didn't care. Not everything
that I remember about the workshops to help us actually helped on the test. The
test was not a big thing at all. It was actually really simple. Kind of a waste
of time. I dont beleive that it tests your knowledge at all. I knew some really
smart kids who did horrible on the easy test. I personally dont like
standarized tests because it doesn't really test all your abilities.