The schooling for the years before the TAAS was all about the TAAS and
how to write something that would be accepted and giving a passing grade on the
TAAS. You must follow this format must write this much and so on. It was all
very writen out for us. No real thought had to be put into the writing as long
as the writing follow that format. No analyzing skills were need just the
learning of the 5 paragraph formula. After the TAAS we just continued to use
the formula that was learned to pass the TAAS and it was excepted.
The standardized testing that you are given in high school was fairly
easy. I believe that the standards on the tests are set too low however the
test scores remain fairly avereage. This may reflect on the overall education
of our American society as a whole. I myself made a high but avereage score on
the SAT's. While I was partaking in those exams I was wishing that I had been
taught some of the things that they asked me.
The T.A.A.S. test was not that bad of an experience although it did
have its ups and downs. Of course teachers stressed over reviewing for the test
but really didn't not spend that much time explaining. It was as if they were
forced to throw in the reveiwing and took up too much of their time. Most
students don't even take the test seriously until the year that it really
counts which is the 10th grade so that way you can graduate highschool. There
are so many other tests out there that matter more then the TAAS such as the
SAT. As for the writing section of the TAAS You are able to include the basic
format of writing but aren't allowed enought time to go into detail. But if it
was up to me I would do away with the TAAS.
The TAAS english prep courses I took in high school didnt really
prepare me for the TAAS. I realy dont think anything can prepare you for that
test I just think you have to have a good head for math.
The TAAS experience for me was a good one. I didn't mind taking the
TAAS test because it was fairly simple. It was like a review of previous
courses bunched together. As I prepared for the TAAS test all I could think
about was passing it with exemption my somphomore year. We would constantly
review over and over for many years. My routine before the test would always be
the same. That was to get a good nights rest wake up early eat a lot of
breakfast and have multiple no. 2 pencils. I would receive good grades on the
TAAS test. Although on the writing sequence I would always earn a three out of
four. Even in my English classes I would get a score of a three from my
teachers. That was my only nemisis throughout my TAAS test taking days. Overall
it was a great experience because I got to have the last laugh. In my sophomore
year in highschool I only missed a total of five questions on the TAAS test and
I earned a four out of four on the writing sequence when it counted. The thing
I liked most about TAAS testing was that it enabled me to become exempt from
taking the TASP.
The TAAS experience for me was a great experience. I felt like it
prepared me for what was soon to come in college. My high school took time out in
order to prepare us thoroughlyfor the exam. My english teachers broke down the
writing part and gave us hints on how to do good on my essay. When I learned of
my results I was not to happy with them I thought that I would do better on the
writing part of the exam. I took english 1301 at a community college in san
the TAAS experience for me was pretty painful. we had to set aside
what we were supposed to be learning so we could prepare for TAAS. First we had
to take a practice TAAS which I think is a waste of time. Then when the real
TAAS came around we had to start “praticing” for it months in advance. It was
very repetitive and very boring. I took the test seriously and did very well on
it but I hated every minute of it. the test has benefited me though . . . because I did well I have been able to
bypass other tests that are necessary to graduate/get into college . . .
The TAAS experience for me was surely one that I remeber quite
clearly. My peers and I spent much valuable time preparing for the TAAS writing
exam. I personally feel that much of the time spent preparing for TAAS wasted
too much class time. I understand the importance of the TAAS writing exam but I
feel there were other fields that needed more time. I repeatedly had to
complete practice exams and other writing assignments to help me prepare for
the writing exam that I already knew I would do fine on. I suggest that for
those who did not do well on previous TAAS writing exams that they have special
classes or sessions to help prepare them. As for the repeatedness of practice
exams and such I feel that maybe those who need the help with the TAAS writing
exam should be the ones donating their class time.
The TAAS experience SUCKED in my opinion. The English section was LONG
and BORING. All you had to do was read stupid stories and then answer questions
about the passage. My school was all about the TAAS and all about having good
grades so they really pressured students to do good on it. Each student was
adopted by a teacher and every week they received a gift or something little. I
guess that was an activity that made us look forward to the TAAS. I felt that
the TAAS was pointless because it was pretty simple and we prepared SO much for
it in our English class. Thats all we did was practice on old TAAS tests so we
all knew what was expected. After I took it and got my grade I was happy b/c it
was over and I passed it. Overall I think it was not a good educational
experience for me because its not like I learned anything I already knew how to
read and answer questions from a passage it was just a way for the school to
look good and my school did look good b/c we got TAAS RECOGNITION for like the
third year.
The TAAS experience was a bit confusing to me. All of my teachers
based their lessons on writing on the TAAS up until after sophmore year of high
school which is when I took the TAAS. The writing was quite simple if I
remember it well. I have always taken honors and ap english classes so the
level of writing for the TAAS was easy. I got a 4 and academic recognition for
the english part of TAAS. After the TAAS my teachers wanted me to change my
writing. They didn't want it to be so basic and structurized. The TAAS
experience for me didn't really effect me. It let me know that my education was
above the norm of other people my age since some of them seemed to have some
difficulty in taking the test. Overall I thought the test was quite simple.