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TAAS testing generally seems like a good idea but I feel that it isn't really worthwhile. In elementary school all the way through high school I was prepped for this somewhat useless test. I felt that it has always been very easy and a pain in the neck. I have never been good with standardized tests in the first place because I feel that my knowledge shouldn't be based upon a score from multiple choice questions and a cheesy persuasive writing with restrictions on thought process. I made a pretty high score on the TAAS test but I was like 2 points underneath the requirement so I had to take that forsaken TASP test. TWO POINTS! I had a 98 in my English/Reading sections and my Math was around an 80-something (I've never been as good in Math). That was very aggravating.


I had a pretty high GPA in high school and I came from a 5A school. Competition is rough and especially in college admission (top 10% is automatically accepted at most state schools and I would have been top 10% at a 3A school). TAAS doesn't really emphasize the importance of education or prepare for any other standardized testing like the SAT. I aced the TAAS test but bombed the SAT. My GPA extra-curricular activities and community service saved me and got me into college. That's what I think education is about. What you learn in your actual classes and how your grades are. It's impossible to measure a person's knowledge through a standardized test. It's sad how students are too busy preparing for standardized tests and how to take them rather than focusing on schoolwork.





TAAS testing is probably one of the worst tests out there. Taking that test seemed like a complete waste of time. We spent six weeks in school working towards that test so we would do good so the school could get better funding from the state. I'm glad I was exempt from the TASP or else it would have been another test from hell. The test in itself was very simple but taking the test was long and covered to much material. I don't believe it takes hours of testing to determine how well a person can do with writing. A simple test of grammer and vocabulary is good enough. That could be tested in a matter of 30-45 minutes.





TAAS testing was a very boring and as I see it pointless experience. It was the easiest test that I have ever taken and they give you so long to do it. I always aced all my sections of the TAAS test and I do not see how anyone could fail it. I did not like it at all and I am extremely glad that I am not going to have to take it again.





TAAS tests were always extremely easy for me. Ever since I can remember we have been doing practice tests to prepare us. TAAS was never a big deal at my school because everyone thought it was easy. It was just something we did to take up time during school. I was never stressed out or aprehensive about them and I always passed. The TAAS test I suppose was a good educational experience in that it was like a practice run for AP tests and the SAT. It just introduced me to the concept of taking a standardized test before I was challenged by later tests.





TAAS to me was a total waste of time. I understand there needs to be testing done to evaluate the educational advances in our school. However there is no reason for someone who has a 3.5 GPA to take it. Everyone I talked to hates it. I feel you should be able to place out of it in middle school. If you passed it in middle school only way you are not going to pass it in high school is if you don't try-like marking A all through the test. I feel like so much of my freshman and sophmore years were wasted on TAAS practicals.





TAAS to me was not a big deal and didn't really bother me that bad. I was excited that I didn't have to go to class and it was really easy. Although it seemed pretty unimportant since it was so easy that we could of been learning other things.





TAAS was a big thing at my high school. We had TAAS groups that we worked with every Wednesday and Friday. We had TAAS slumber parties; we even had a citywide TAAS pep rally. But when it finally came down to actually taking the test to me it was so easy. I thought that they could have done better for an exit level test. So I Ùflewˆ through the test. I mastered all of my objectives and received academic recognition in all the areas. So I guess it wasn∆t really a bad experience.





TAAS was a difficult test my teachers prepared me as best as they could. However personally when I take a test or even just a quiz I get very nervous and I always end up doing very poorly. If there was a way to take a test and not put so much pressure on the students I might have done a lot better. As for preparing my teachers in high school made sure we were prepared by having us study as if it were a game. Taking the TAAS test was a nightmare for me.





TAAS was a pointless test in my opinion. TAAS asked questions that elementary students should know. It should not be a test that you must pass to graduate high school. Those skills should have been mastered in middle school. Those skills are not helpful in being mastered for college bound students. TAAS preparation began in elementary therefore the test is not for the high school level. I did no preparing for TAAS in fact I took TAAS as a joke.





TAAS was a really idiotic and simple test for me. It was basically a joke. I moved to Texas in January of my sophomore year just as we had to take TAAS so I was never taught how to take the test like the other kids were. Nothing else sticks out in my mind about TAAS. I just remember sitting in a room for three hours being bored because I finished with more than two hours left. I understand that states need to mandate standardized tests but I feel TAAS was an insult to my classmates and I. But other than that I liked the fact that in my junior and senior years we were allowed to skip the first half of school when the sophomores and freshmen were taking their test. I do like the fact that they have changed the TAAS into the TAKS test. It is a step in the right direction that they have included more subjects like science and history. But I don't support that kids aren't going to take TAKS until their junior year. This is because when there are standardized tests teachers tend to just teach the test and how to take the test. When I think that there are different subjects that need to be covered.