My English classes did indeed help me prpare for the TAAS. It probably
helped me in every way possible because if it didn't how would have I passed it.
Through out my freshman and sophomore year the staff at my high school made it
a point to where we would have to prepare for the TAAS. On Every Saturday
morning the staff would announce that there would be a preparation for the TAAS
on that certain day! But they wouldn't make it boring they would tell everybody
that if they went to the prep. that they would get free pizza after the
studying done by the students. Sure enough I passed the TAAS with flying colors
They would then reward the people who passed every section of the TAAS with a
Field Trip to Fiesta Texas! But the overall answer is that yes it did prepare
me for the TAAS!
My English classes in High School did not prepare us for TAAS. They
mainly concentrated on Analogies for SAT. We go over writing a paper but it was
nothing serious. My math teacher would go over practice problems with us that
may appear on the TAAS. Overall I believe they must have helped me in some way
because I did very well on the TAAS in Writing English and Math.
My english experiences prepared me rather well for the TAAS exam. It
was not a difficult exam. The timed writing was not a difficult task by any
means. The topic for the essay was simple and elaborating on it was easy. High
school english was more than enough preparation for the TAAS test. I learned of
my results and I was pleased with them. It was a good educational experience
My expeirence was that the TAAS is a stupid waste of time and paper. I
moved here from PA and was put in to remedial courses because the school
claimed that there was no way to pass the TAAS test. But I never studied for
the exams. I always bored while taking the test because I know that there was
something more I could learn in some of the classes instead of taking a three
hour test that is irrelavant to anything we learned in class.
My experiance with TAAS was suprisingly good. I thought that I was
going to fail it because of the writing and math portion and stay in Highschool
forever. But I passed with average scores. But because I passed with average
scores I felt pressure on making good SAT's scores and not being capable of
passing the TASP. But my opinion on TAAS is that its a waste of students time
in highschool.I think the state of Texas has teachers spending to much time on
how to pass the test when they should be learning useful and more elaborate
material which then can be used in college.
My experience as a TAAS taker was very comparerable to most peoples
experience. As a student we wrote many different types of papers with much
emphasis on persuasive type papers. I feel that although I did learn the many
diffent types of genre when pertaining to papers it was basically a usual
acedemic test. With months and years of preperation you would want to believe
that the test actually stood for somthing other than a basic skills test. You
would believe that basic skills would be the purpose of 1st through 3rd grades.
I feel that the test is entirely overated. any other nation would have made
their students learn basic skills before they even inter the learning
enviroment. I also feel that the time taken to prepare was a waist of quality
learning time. By the time the teacher is finished with all the notes on different
types of writings and makes you give actual writen examples about each I as a
student could have learned all the aspects of trigonometry and calculus.
Basically my results show the same. The only reason behind a none perfect score
though is that the test is too basic. I mean when you think and use your
knowledge too much on a too simplistic question all the answers are plausible
but its about the best answer. That is why I feel as a TAAS taker that it is a
waist of learning time as well as a test that hinders actual learning. I'm
sorry if you are affended but that is the way I really feel about TAAS. It is
as if we take the test for not our own recognitin but rather it is a surveigh
to see how far behind our actual school systems are. It is a test of basic
skills people. We should be finished learning basic skills in third grade.
My experience of the TAAS Testing in High School was pretty boring and
repetitive. We woud spend all year practicing going over and so called learning
methods of taking the TAAS and as soon as it was over we went on to a drag for
the rest of the school year. I was never really taught how to problem solve I
was taught how to take the TAAS Test. We would do excersies and practice tests
all of the time. The math was my favorite because I love math but the writing
my not so favorite was made even more difficult because we all had to write in
a certain writting style. The 5-paragraph essay was the most boringest type
ever. (If that's a word). I did excellent on the TAAS but because we had to
take it and that is all the teachers really cared about made me hate it!!!!
My experience was not bad. I mastered all objectives the first time. I
believe that if you push yourself then you should pass. Also you should not
have to take a test to graduate. People go through so much trying to graduate.
I really don't worry about the TAAS.
My experience with english TAAS tests is that they are flawed. It is
only in college that I have discovered my true ability to write. This is due to
the fact that I was misled to believe that I couldn't write well because I had
recieved less than average scores on my TAAS english exams. I have recently
discovered that when prompted to write something I feel strongly about my words
pour out beautifully onto the paper. However I have most often been presented
with prompts that meant nothing to me.
My experience with TAAS have been some what regreting. I remember all
the way since elementry we have been trying to practice for it. It help in many
ways but it was like we had to do it. I really hated it. Everyday we had this
period of time where we would practice. The reason why I hated it so much was
because when we finally took the test nothing was on it. Our school made this
great deal about it. Don't get me wrong our class had outstanding test scores.
It was just all the studying we did. TAAS this and TAAS that. I think they
changed the name of it they started calling it TEKS. I guess because everybody
sort of just got tired of calling it TAAS. But in the end I wish they would
sort of prepare us for it in a different manner.