Although I managed to take the TAAS in highschool like everyone else I
truly felt I had no good review. The teacher used to give us problems everyday I
guess you would say review problems but no ne would answer them and then she's
end up giving everyone the answer when no one really even tried. No I dont
think it was a good experience for me at all it was actually an annoying
burden. It didnt make me smarter or make me pay attention more in fact it had
actually no purpose according to me. In order to make it better I would say get
the class involved more with class discussions or get in work groups talking
about how they can better their learning for TAAS.
Although like many other high school students we have to participate
in taking the TAAS. I personally had a strong dislike in taking the TAAS. What
prof or evidence did one need to succeed in taking the TAAS. One is already in
high school and theirfore should be a reson for taking the so many courses that
you have to pass your classes to go to high school. What have I gained from
taking the TAAS nothing. As we eventually have to go to college and therefor
have to take the SAT/ACT and the TASP. I feel that this simpliy does not
accomplish anything.
As a student I felt that the way that I was prepared to write for the
TAAS test was not very conducive to the creative process. The format that was
taught at a very early age was very structured and did not allow me to include
creativity and personal anectdotes. I also felt that the continuous preparation
for the test did not challenge certain advanced students to stretch beyond
their academic abilities. Personally I felt insulted by the ease of the test
and somewhat insultd that so much valuable class time was wasted on a mundane
As a student in English classes TAAS experience for me was horrible. I
did not think my English teachers prepare me very good. In those classes the
assignments were always read novels analize them and write papers for them but
never actually edit the papers which that was the main reason I did not do so
well on the TAAS. I knew that my grammas and punctuations were not very good
but yet the teachers never made them a main point on their lesson plan. After I
took the TAAS I thought I did okay but when I got the result I found out that
okay did not exempt me from the TASP. Overall the educational experience was
not very good beacuse now I have to pass the TASP test.
As a student in the public education system in Texas I was obligated
to take the TAAS Test. I do not believe that the TAAS test is that helpful in
all subjects. Take the writing section for example. My freshman year in high
school I was taught how to write intellectual papers. After a year of writing
intellectual papers I was forced to go back to the kindergarten style of
writing, as I had to "practice" writing TAAS papers. I think that if
they really want to measure our academic abilities they should let us write how
we want to. If we can write intellectual papers let us write them. Why should
we be forced to write a paper that has a standardized introduction three body
paragraphs and a standardized conclusion. I do think that the amount of class
time they made us spend practicing the reading portion of the TAAS was sort of
helpful. It was helpful when I had to take the SAT and ACT. It did give me
practice learning how to pick out key points in the story so I was able to
answer questions about them later. I believe that it would have been a good
educational experience for me had we not had to spend so much time on it. My
entire sophomore english class was dedicated to TAAS until we were through
taking the test. I believe that we are spending valuable time on something that
is not as important as we think it is.
As far back as I can remember was the TAAS test in high school.
Students at my school would always complain about why we take the test. Im mean
there was no point in the test is what I would hear from the students. To me
the English and the Reading part of the test was the hardest of all. Because
these parts of the test required alot of critical thinking and understanding.
Im spent most of my junior high and and freshman year preparing for these test.
In English class we would constantly go over past questions ask that would
appear on the writing part of the test. Critical thinking and choosing a claim
were all involved. My teachers would drill it in ours heads that you should
make a claim or what side of this type of arguement are you for. Then they
would tell us pick three problems or examples. Because these papers were five
paragraphs long. We would then make a web chart or some type of reference to go
by. As soon as we had all these materials the paper would be easy to write and
sticking to your claim was what you had to do to pass this test. So after a
couple of days preparing and writing rough drafts and submitting them we would
get a grade. The scale went on a 1-4 four being a A and 1 being a D. As soon as
our papers were back in are hands and we received are grade the next week we
would do it all over again. I guess repetition was the key to making it stick
into our heads because many students would fail that part of the test. In my
high school year we spent most of our ninth grade year also preparing for this
test. Taking pretest and studing. So when it came to test day we were prepared.
Thats pretty much what I can remember about the TAAS
As I prepared for the TAAS test my sophomore year in high school I was
nervous but I took it very lightly. I knew it was a simple test aside from the
length. I just wanted to finish as soon as possible so I kind of skimmed
through and answered with the first answer that came to mind. I just used
common sense. I was really happy that I passed the TAAS test my first time
around and was very grateful because my high school even rewarded all the
sophomores who passed the TAAS test on their first try with a field trip to Six
Flags Fiesta Texas!
At my high school most all classes were taught to the TAAS test. The
only classes that werent were the advanced classes like pre-calculas and such.
This prepared me for that test and that test alone since I have been in college
most things I knew were worthless to me.
At my school we did the standard TAAS tests to prepare us for the
test. The practice tests weren't very hard and neither was the actual test. No
one in my class really stressed over the test too much and we all passed with
flying colors at the end. It was a good learning experience and helped prepare
me for other large exams.
At the high school I attneded we rarely practiced for the TAAS but
always managed to do well. We started preparing for the TAAS my freshman year.
The only classes that would practice the TAAS would be my English and MATH
classes. I hated preparing for the TAAS. I feel it was a waste of time from
learning something much more interesting and gaining knowledge not just
information on how to analyze and solve problems. When I recieved the results I
was disappointed to find out that I had not scored under academic recognition
and was forced my the state to take the TASP which was the same thing as the
TAAS and another reason to take our $30 dollars it costs.